
Pharmaceutical Formulations


Sr. No. Brand Name Product Name Volume Form
1 Nirdine PovidoneIodine I.P-5%  10 gm, 15gm Ointment
2 Nirdine-M Povi. 0.5%, Metro.1.0%  15gm Ointment
3 Nirlon Chlorhexadine Gluc.0.3%,Cetrimide0.6% 100 ml, 1000 ml External
4 Nirdine Povidone Iodine 5%  250gm, 500 gm External

USP – United States Pharmacopoeia, BP – British Pharmacopoeia, CP – Chinese Pharmacopoeia,
EP – European Pharmacopoeia, JP – Japanese Pharmacopoeia, ***

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