Analgesic and Antiinflammatory

Pharmaceutical Formulations

Analgesic and Antiinflammatory

Sr. No. Brand Name Product Name Volume Form
1 Nirspas Dicyclo. 20mg, Para 500mg 500 mg Tablet
2 Paranir-500 Paracetamol - 500mg 500 mg Tablet
3 Paranir-650 Paracetamol - 650mg 650 mg Tablet
4 Niresulide-P Nime. 100mg, Para 500mg (Golden) 600 mg Tablet
5 Niresulide-P D/L Nime. 100mg, Para 500mg (Doublelayer) 600 mg Tablet
6 Niresulide-S Nimesulide 100mg,Serratiopeptidase 10mg 100 mg Tablet
7 Niresulide Tab Nimesulide 100mg, 100 mg Tablet
9 Tramonir-P Tramadol 50 + Para 500   Tablet
10 Paranir cold Para500,,caffine20mg   Tablet
11 Nirmet FD Metro400mg,fura100mg,Dicyclo15mg   Tablet
12 Nirixofen-Plus Para325,Ibu400,DLMethionine 50mg   Tablet
13 Gluconir Diacerein,Glucosamine sulphate,Methyl   Tablet
14 Niresulide-Fen Nimusulide,Diclofenac(soft gel)   Soft gel
15 Diclonir Diclofenac 25mg/ml 3ml amp. Injectable
16 Paranir Para.0.150gm, Ben.Al. 2% v/v 2ml amp. Injectable
17 Nirgesic Bupinorphen Amp Injectable
18 Diclonir Plus(Lemi) Diclo.1.16%, Meth. Sali.10%, Lin.Oil 3%, Menthol IP 5%. 30gm Ointment
19 Diclonir-MR Diclofenac Sodium 50mg, Paracetamol 500mg, Clorozoxazone 250mg 500 mg Tablet
20 Diclonir Plus Tab.(Silver) Diclofenac 50mg, Paracetamol 500mg 500 mg Tablet
21 Paranir Para. Sus. 125mg  60 ml liquid
22 Paranir-DS Para. Sus. 250mg  60 ml liquid
23 Paranir Paracetamol 100mg  15 ml Pediatric drop

USP – United States Pharmacopoeia, BP – British Pharmacopoeia, CP – Chinese Pharmacopoeia,
EP – European Pharmacopoeia, JP – Japanese Pharmacopoeia, ***

Product exploitation, including development, sales and offer for sale are performed where permissible by patent law. This presentation is not and should not constitute as an offer for sale in territories where it is not permitted by law.